Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 8--ECHO and other things

So after following some good advice first my adviser to e-mail someone, and then from that person's response to e-mail someone else, I have some confirmed information on how to obtain free ASTER data. I just need to sign up for an ECHO account which, is not as easy as it sounds. I attempted to follow the link I was given ( I could not actually sign up (the page was not available). I e-mailed back to inquire and will probably try again later.

It also seems possible that we will be able to obtain the data since we will only need a couple of bands and a few images, only the visible red and near infrared to calculate NDVI.

Also, I wanted to explore again the price of Landsat-5 Data and it still appears to be free. There is a quote on the main USGS website saying "The opening of the Landsat archive to free, web-based access is like giving a library card for the world's best library of Earth conditions to everyone in the world". So I assume I can download it for free over the internet.

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