Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 4- Week 3

So I was able to open the .hdf file in ArcMap and fuss around with the colors so it looked like something I understood. Its still projected in the MODIS unique sinusoidal thing so although it looked a little bit (really really really little bit) like the coast I remember using for my midterm it is in fact not this area.

I thought it looked a bit like North Africa and southern Sardinia, which it is, at least when compared to google maps. I first opened it and added it as a RGB file because when you add the files singularly I couldn't make it look like anything. I had to change the symbology to stretched from RGB composite. Still playing around with it but there is quite a bit, in relation to options in the image, that I am unsure of what to do with.

However, the main problem is that the tile actually does not show the area I'm interested in! I need to look in another zone for it. So the search continues.

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