Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 5-In Search of more readings

After last week's meeting I have more defined goals for what to do in the next couple of weeks:

1.) look for a spectral signature for Maquis
2.) And look for cost related things
3.) Tracking wild fires

I have found some reading material but they do require me to physically go places to collect the articles. I need to go to the engineering library to get a copy of the International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, v2001 n2 which on pages 176-183 has an article about spectral signatures and Maquis.

I also found this downloadable article called "Mapping Mediterranean scrub with satellite imagery: biomass estimation and spectral behaviour" in the International Journal of Remote Sensing 2004. its about 11 pages and the study area is south central Portugal. It looks like they may be using a different sort of sensor than I'd like but the methods may be interesting and give me an idea of what I need to be looking for.

With my search words those were the only two articles that seem relevant to my topic.

However, I did find some more important articles that had to relate to tracking fires and the ASTER sensor we'd like to use (although not for burned data exactly). "Estimating subpixel fire sizes and temperatures from ASTER using multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis" is the article and its from 2009 so its one of the more recent publications and I can download it from UW to read. I also put on hold a different book from summit that deals with Mediterranean ecosystems and "wildland" fires.

Now I need time to read.

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